Board of Directors

Updated 3/2024

Erika Hanafin Feldhus

CEO, Hey Mama
Frank Rice

Former CFO & VP of Finance
Aerospace & Defense Industry
Melvin Queen

Virtual Chief Information Officer Endurance IT Services
Jenny Catoe

Senior Territory Manager, Virbac Animal Health
James Noel

Attorney, The Franklin Johnson Group
Jeff Richardson

President, Beach Commercial Finance
Kevin Stevenson

Retired CEO, PRA Group
Blake White

President, Endurance IT Services

Advisory Board

Jim Arnhold

Home Associates of Virginia
Vic Philleo
Senior Vice President

Investments Waterfront Advisory Group of Raymond James
Charles Pearson

Daidan LLC

Sponsor a Horse

Thank you for your generous contribution.

    (The sponsor name listed above will be used for the stall plaque and custom halter plate)

    (Please note that horse sponsorship requests will be honored in the order donations are received and are subject to change due to the retirement of a horse or other circumstances, which we will do our best to communicate to you in real time)

    CheckCredit Card (one-time payment of $5,000)Credit Card (monthly installments of $416.67)


    If you have opted to pay by check, please mail it to:

    EQUI-KIDS Horse Sponsorship Program
    Attention: Victoria Arboneaux

    2626 Heritage Park Drive

    Virginia Beach, VA 23456

    We will be in touch soon to confirm your payment method and other sponsorship details.